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Reply to an ‘Atheist’

24 May


  My post of the day is actually a reply to one of the comments here in our blog, Do you say ‘NO GOD’?

As it is quite long, I posted it separate.

Submitted on 2011/05/23 at 10:09 pm

“This is going to be a quick post. All the issues you have raised above have already been debunked by many others many times, so I will just be brief. You can get more information by typing in youtube and watching talks by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.”

        Thank you for your quick post. If your brief answer is one of the debunks..i will say ‘IT REALLY DIDNT WORK’. Go ahead and read 🙂

“Question 1:
The universe began with the big bang. No one knows, and when I say ‘no one’, I mean NO ONE, knows what happened at and just before the moment of the big bang, but we have a good idea what happened straight after the big bang.”

   No we don’t have! We don’t know exactly which year big bang took place, we don’t know exactly how old is this earth…we don’t know how long this will last. WE DON’T KNOW!
      All we do it assumptions and assumptions have no boundaries.

” Scientists are still working on finding answers, that’s why we have the Large Hydro Collider. Experiments like these will help us understand the Universe as it was straight after the big bang.”

      Yep..thats what i am saying..we will keep on working..and that never ends.. some scientist will say something..and you believe in that. Few years later, another one will pop up and say, “That was wrong!”. Experiments will give a again you have to ‘just believe’ that result is right 🙂

“I do not know if we’ll ever find out what created the big bang, but like professor Atkins said, to say God did it when we get something we don’t understand, is intellectually laziness.”

      Do you say there is an effect without a cause?
OK this universe was formed from big bang..some thing should have caused that big bang right? Even if you say…’x’ reaction caused big bang.. some thing should have caused that ‘x’ reaction right?
        And this will never end until you admit that THERE IS GOD..What we find is the steps which God made to create this universe. There is definitely a ‘Causer’ behind all these reactions.

 All these amazing things..just came up like a ‘boom’ without any driving force behind it? Even a needle has a maker..what about this universe?
I say ‘denying Him’ is intellectual laziness..not affirming Him.. get a big picture.

          Let’s learn our universe and this will definitely affirm the existence of God, this will never deny Him. You see all those unbelievable reactions and yet you say they came up all by its own? This is intellectual laziness man.

Our intellect is limited, you cannot understand everything…each forward steps you take..u will know there are more and it’s nothing wrong to say, “God did it” because you and I know, “THERE IS GOD”…even if you deny Him outwardly.

“Question 2:
We are the product of a billion years of evolution. It is evident in the fossil records and in our genes. The theory of evolution is a FACT, supported by overwhelming evidence. In fact, we rely on theory of evolution to develop vaccines for diseases and many other scientific applications. Monkey and us share a common ancestor. YouTube “Carl Sagan Evolution”. Also read up on Richard Dawkins book “The Greatest Show on Earth” which explains the evidence for evolution.”

Again monkeys!
Some said monkey is my mother and you say monkey is my brother?

        You can believe monkey is your brother..but you can’t believe you are a separate creation with intellect and free will? weird.
 You have the greatest history but not that animal!

All celebrated Darwin’s theory..and now they say, “it was without any proof”. Again you celebrate some other theory, wait until few years to get the opposite result.
We are human beings, we always err and there is no 100% truth in any so-called theories.

“Question 3:
God exists in the supernatural realm. Most athiests, including myself, don’t believe in the supernatural. So the ‘time is god’ logic is completely flawed.”

         Submission… human beings always submit to something, this is unevitable. We submit to the One who created us provides for us all day and those who deny Him submit to primitive may be time, their own desires, science..anything..! And they put their trust in it.. I say that is their God.

Believing in God is not just enough, submitting to Him is more important.

We put our trust in God and you put your trust in Science.
Remember! Science never denies the existence of God rather it affirms Him..otherwise you won’t be seeing a number of scientists embracing Islam. As you are an user of youtube, I don’t think I should list their names 🙂

“Here you are describing Pascal’s Wager, which states that you should just believe in a god, because if god doesn’t exist, then you’ve lost nothing, but if god exists then you have everything to lose. This, in my opinion, is a horrible and vile reason to believe in anything as it plays on humans fear. Using fear to convince of something as being true.”

     Put it in this way, billions and billions of people believed in God and only a few lakhs, or crores or even say a million denied Him.. who is likely to be correct?

Those billions and billions or a few nuts? Give a second thought.. there is God.

“First, there have been 10,000+ gods in the history of men.”

      If you really ‘studied’ Islaam, you should have known that there is only one God all time. And there was only one God in the beginning of our history (if you believe Adam is the first man, he didn’t worship 10,000+ Gods did he?). There were 10 generations between Adam and Noah where people worshipped the one and only God.

And again, if you have ‘studied’ Islaam, you would have known.. polytheism began during Prophet Noah’s (alaihi salaam) time.
Wadd, Suwaa’, Yaghooth, Ya’ooQ and Nasr these were the five righteous people of Noah’s time. After their death people kept a stone in their meeting place for remembrance. None of that generation worshiped them..but the future generation was deceived by Shaitaan and they started worshiping it.
      This is the beginning of idolatry and polytheism.

This is an age of Science and you need proofs for everything.. who knows people may even ask proof for their father 😦 but still at the end of the day ‘its belief’. You are ‘just believing’ your proofs are right (until someone comes and say it is wrong.. and then u go in a confused state) and ‘I believe’ my scripture is right and no one can confuse me because it is not based on assumption!

My Scripture itself a miracle.. I am personally moved by it’s literature.  Lemme give u an example..
             There are 10 forms of verb (may be there r many but I dont know). For example, if you say ‘he does’ in English, you can say the same thing in 10 different ways in Arabic and each has a different impact and a specific meaning.
     When you take a verse and see a verb there…you will say ‘wowwww’ coz.. it will be in the most suitable form.. and it will have ‘the most powerfull meaning’.
You could have used any of the 10 forms still it will be in the most correct form..and u cannot choose a better option than that.

If you wanna study Arabic go to Qur’an..and it has merely all rules and perfect lyrics..and subhaanallaah… NO MAN CAN BRING SUCHA BOOK!

All English translations we have is ‘no justice’ you know.. you just translate it the arabic words are more specific and have more accurate meanings.
And I can never say ‘an illiterate’ man said all these things. EVEN A LANGUAGE SCHOLAR CAN NEVER BRING SUCHA BOOK!

“You are pretty screwed if you die, get to the gates of heaven, and it turns out Brahman is at the gates and you’ve been worhshipping the wrong god all along.” made me laugh.. if you see what the vedas says the same thing..worship the one and only God who has no beginning, no end, no parents, no children, no idols etc.. and even it talks about the kalki avatar.

     You can call your God as Brahman..we Muslims have no trouble with it but worship Him in the way He the way His Last Prophet did..thats what really matters!

You are worshipping the idols not the Brahman, worship the Brahman guys!

“Also, I’m pretty sure god will be able to see through you if you are just “acting” like you believe in him.”

     lol I’m pretty sure, you believe in the existence of God. Otherwise you wouldn’t have made such statements. So it’s actually: God will be able to see through if u ‘act’ like denying God. Because belief in God is ingrained in our soul. From the primitive tribes to famous scientists all believed in GOD!

We believe in God but we don’t want to obey Him, so we deny Him. Thats the truth actually.

“No rational person can believe in something that is not reasonable to believe in; flying winged horses, virgins giving birth, men flying off into the sky. No sane person of reason can believe in such things.”

   But a sane person believes in the things which he sees in front of his eyes right? The things around you itself proves the existence of God. Nothing can be there without a Creator.

“We are a very curious and inquisitive species. We are always looking for answers and explainations. When mankind didn’t have answers to the germ theory, or the planets and the stars, and why it rained, and why the Sun was bright and yellow and went from one side of the earth to the other side, we inserted God into the equation. God was the default “I don’t know, but God did it” explaination to everything we didn’t understand. Before germ theory, people thought god took revenge and killed people.”

  Again, even if I get those answers it only affirms my faith in God and not the other way round. How amazing these planets and stars are..then how amazing will be the One who created it?

           If you deny God you deny the whole purpose of life you know?
What’s your purpose of life actually? To eat, to sleep, to find out why it is raining, why sun is yellow?

You should do these researches to know the higher purpose of your life. And denying it is actually ‘intellectual laziness’.
Even if u know all about is going to die is going to be nothing one day… why do you care about it so much?  Care about your soul because your soul is gonna be recreated and gonna be judged. The sun is not gonna be judged it’s YOU!

If you say there is no judgement at all, then this clashes with every aspect of life.

Why do I need to be good if there gonna be no judgement? I shall go and steal.
     Why is someone created blind and dumb and others so intelligent?
Why is someone poor and others rich?

       You will not get the answers for these qs if you deny judgement.

You talked about ‘moral’ you know what.. no one will be morally good if they don’t have a little fear that, if they do bad, they are gonna be punished. Even if they escape in this world they will taste it in the Hereafter.And the reality is THERE IS A JUDGEMENT DAY!
And to prepare for that is the highest purpose of life, NOT TO UNDERSTAND WHY EARTH IS REVOLVING!

These are all primitive things, you go besides these things and they are all going to be destroyed one day. All your efforts to understand them is null and void.
            If understanding the ‘Creations’ help you remember your ‘Creator’ go ahead, otherwise you will get to know what you were doing all these days in a day WHERE NO SOUL CAN HELP OTHER 🙂

“At the very start, the most prominant thing in the sky was the Sun, thus the birth of the “Sun God”, which explained to the primitive minds of humans why the sun went down and came back up again; God went away at night, and arose again during the day.”

    Sun was not the first worshiped thing, it was the ‘One and Only real true God’. Who did Adam worship? sun or Allah?

You reminded me Prophet Abraham’s (alaihi salaam) story.. He knew that stones can never be his God and saw the sun to be most powerful. But when there was no sun in night, he said, “this can’t be my God!”

“When he saw the rising sun, he said, “This is my Lord for it is greater (than the others).” But when this too faded away, (Abraham) said, “My people, I disavow whatever you consider equal to God.” [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘The Cattles’ 6:78]

Lets not worship the creation of Allah, lets worship Him alone.

“And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.” [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘Explained in detail’ 41:37]

” That say primitive way of understanding exists today, when even in the face of so much scientific reasoning and explaination, and so much evidence, people still try to explain the unknown by saying “God did it”.”

        I think I answered this, even if I get to know the unknown I will still say, “God did it” because He did it right!
Whatever we find is the steps of how God did it.. step 1 this step 2 this on..but at the end ‘God did it’.

As I said..we can never fully understand the way how God did everything. We take one step forward and will find there are many more to go.. we keep on running behind it and all of sudden everything will be destroyed including you and me!

And then we will be raised up and questioned! No injustice will be done to any soul 🙂

And then we may think..I should have planned how to spend my time, subhaanallaah.

“And they will say, “If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blazing Fire.” [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘The Dominion’ 67:10]

Islaam doesn’t say you should believe blindly. Listen and reason.. reasoning will never deny the presence of God, it only affirms it!

“And lastly, you don’t need to scare people into believing in a god, it’s a poor reason and not evidence that god exists.”

          What to do..sometimes ‘truth is a bit scary’. We know it’s gonna happen, instead of denying it ‘No NO NOO’ and getting destroyed when it actually happens..lets prepare ourselves and face the terror.. because IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

“I will leave with this quote from Epicurus, the greek philosopher from ~300BC:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?””

    This poem is based on God Vs Evil.. mostly all other religions say this.. they bring an opponent to God, God Vs Devil.

But Islaam is the ONLY religion which says, there is no opponent to God. Nothing can dare to oppose Him.

it is not God Vs Shaitaan, Shaitaan will never ever think to go 101 with God..
it’s Man Vs Shaitan..Shaitaan is not God’s enemy, he is our enemy.

“Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blazing Fire.” [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘The Originator’ 35:6]

See God says Shaitaan is our enemy…he is not God’s enemy. he was a pious slave of Allah and now he is going to hell because of ‘us’ (not really us but because of his pride) bt he thinks he goes to hell because of us and he wants to take us with him. What an evil enemy!

      God does nothing purely evil, we have good in everything. Shaitan decieved Adam and as a result Adam learnt the ‘greatest form of worship’ ‘REPENTANCE’.
Decieving is bad but repentace is the best.

           So in and of itself this poem is a crap, diseased by unislamic faith. 🙂

Also read, ‘Why should I believe in God?’

Hope I answered you to my best!

Does God exist?

17 May

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God,

the barber said:”I don’t believe that God exists.”

“Why do you say that?” asked the customer.

“Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn’t exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can’t imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things.”

The customer thought for a moment, but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkept.

The customer turned back and entered the barbershop again and he said to the barber:”You know what? Barbers do not exist.”

“How can you say that?” asked the surprised barber.”I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!

“No!” the customer exclaimed. “Barbers don’t exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.”

“Ah, but barbers DO exist! That’s what happens when people do not come to me.”

“Exactly!” affirmed the customer. “That’s the point! God, too, DOES exist! That’s what happens when people do not go to Him and don’t look to Him for help. That’s why there’s so much pain and suffering in the world.”

‘Image’ of God in Islaam!

15 May

‘Image’ of God according to Islam:

           We discussed the images of God according to various religious scriptures. You might think, “Okay, where is Islam there?”
You need to wait no longer to know the answer!

We saw some scriptures saying “God has no image at all” and we might realize those people worship “infinite number of images”.
As Islam is the ‘middle way’. It takes a middle approach in this too.

There are numerous verses in His Last Book saying that He has hand, eyes, shin etc etc.
Lemme quote a few,

Say: “All the bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He grants to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, the All-Knower.” [AlQur’an Chapter ‘The Family of Imran’ 3:73]

Say: “O Allah! Possessor of the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You will, and You endue with honour whom You will, and You humiliate whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are Able to do all things.” [AlQur’an Chapter ‘The Family of Imran’ 3:26]

“And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Inspiration, and address Me not on behalf of those who did wrong; they are surely to be drowned.”  [AlQur’an Hud 11:37]

“Some faces that Day shall be shining and radiant. Looking at their Lord.”  [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘The Resurrection’ 75:22,23]

God unveiling His shin to the believers+hypocrites in the Day of Judgement,

“(Remember) the Day when the Shin shall be uncovered (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) and they shall be called to prostrate (to Allah), but they (hypocrites) shall not be able to do so,” [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘The Pen’ 68:42]

In Sahih AlBukhari  (Book #93, Hadith #510),
Narrated ‘Abdullah: “A Jew came to the Prophet and said, “O Muhammad! Allah will hold the heavens on a finger, and the mountains on a finger, and the trees on a finger, and all the creation on a finger, and then He will say, ‘I am the King.’ “ On that Allah’s Prophet smiled till his premolar teeth became visible, and then recited:–
“They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.” [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘The Groups’ 39:67]
‘Abdullah added: “Allah’s Messenger smiled (at the Jew’s statement) expressing his wonder and believe in what was said.” 

Allah’s laugh (Book #73, Hadith #245) and Allah’s foot (Book #60, Hadith #371) are also mentioned in Sahih AlBukhari.


            Being said that, I would strongly mention that THIS WOULD NEVER GIVE US PERMISSION TO MAKE IMAGES OF GOD!

Because God has said,

There is nothing like a likeness of Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.”  [AlQur’aan Chapter ‘Consultation’ 42:11]


       This is not something hard to understand. Just because we and our God has an image that doesn’t mean both should look the same!
Like, we have a leg and a donkey has a leg. Both are called ‘leg’, BUT THEY DON’T RESEMBLE THE SAME!

Whatever we make as God will have a likeness to what we have seen. We cannot make something which we don’t see.
Whatever we make will have a similitude in the creations of this world. For example: A unicorn is a mixture of animals (lion tail, goat’s beard, deer’s feet, horse body, twisted horn etc).
See, we make fantasy with all those animals.


Just Remember, whatever we imagine as God, IS EXACTLY WHAT HE ISN’T!

So based on the above quotes, we AFFIRM, God has an image THAT SUITS HIS MAJESTY.
And also we DENY, we shouldn’t make any images of the God which we haven’t seen?


                  Aha! Scratch your head until tomorrow! 😀

Why should I believe in GOD?

14 May

Its Nouman Ali Khan again!!!!!!!!

       Remember ‘The Legacy of Prophet Abraham‘? (If not, click it)

The same awesome brother. As we know, he was a Muslim atheist and then he conformed the existence of God.

This video really helps you to understand there is a God, if you watch it unbiased!

I let you go.